blogless one
Sorry that I have been neglectful on posting for the bog. I have been busy helping tile my kitchen and by the end of the day, I am exhausted from being on my feet most of the day. I will do my best to post something tomorrow night.
Sorry that I have been neglectful on posting for the bog. I have been busy helping tile my kitchen and by the end of the day, I am exhausted from being on my feet most of the day. I will do my best to post something tomorrow night.
I recently typed a response to a comment that my friend made about legislating morality. His comment was “you can’t legislate morality”. My response was legislation (law ) is all about changing behavior; to change people to a more “moral” behavior for the good of others. Law exists to make unmoral behavior, one that harms people for selfish gain, wrong and punishable. So I guess we can legislate moral behavior, but as my friend said, we cannot legislate morality.
I have a very close friend that confides in me many things about his life. I am sure that we all know and admit that we all have issues. Admittedly some have more than others. This friend is one of the best examples of a follower of Jesus that I have seen. He is a devoted husband and father and has gone out of his way to help whoever he could. I really admire him.
We have really been having a great time in Texas. We are staying at our friend’s house in Aubrey, that is about 35 miles north of Dallas. It is what the locals say is “out in the country” nothing really but horse ranches. Their place is 3 acres which is small compared to the others around them ,but has a great 3600 sq ft house, a big pasture for their three horses and a lot of area that they are going to develop to have more animals, like goats and chickens.
I am going to talk about a word that strikes fear in the hearts if the strongest of men. A word that is so hated, although a secretly hatred, that people don’t want to talk about it. A word that can alienate you best friend, your family and complete strangers. The word is ( dum da dum dum ) witnessing.
Pet Peeve #2
I read an article once that said “You know you’re a Pastor When” and then it listed all these things that would supposedly let know you were a Pastor. The only one that I remember when something like” you know you’re a Pastor when you can view any TV program or movie and come away with at least 3 sermon illustrations.” I think that is true, hopefully one of the gifts that God gives Pastors is the ability to take life situations and make them pertinent illustrations. This is especially necessary for those of us in ”postmodern” ministry. As I have always said, some people will not listen to people quoting out of the Bible, but will listen to you when you talk about a TV show or movie and then relate it to Scripture.
Ok,Ok, it’s past 12 am and I have not entered anything for the blog.. I apologize, but my wife is away and I have the sole responsibility for my youngest son. Now I can here you says, “big deal”. Well I admit that it is not a big deal, what is a big deal is that I am selfish of my time alone to study and write. Although I love my son and love to spend time with him, when I am the only one home I am the only person he can play with. You see we live in a townhouse complex that has no children his age. I feel bad for him.
I have never been a person that accepts what others tell me if I have the ability to research and “check it out”. Its not that I think that all people are lying to me , I mean I may be paranoid, but not that paranoid. I think it is because even though I am an opinionated person, I would hope that my opinions come after investigating the evidence that has been provided.
I have some pet peeves in life, I mean doesn’t everyone? Well one that has really been bugging me lately is women’s purses in movies and TV.
I started writing about my frustration with a new site that I found. The site was an anti contemplative Christianity site. I did post to their guest book and I did try and say not all people that practice contemplative Christianity are New Agers. I told them that I believed in the same things that they did, deity of Christ, salvation in Christ alone, the inspiration of God in the writing of the scriptures and of course the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in believers. But as I perused the rest of the site it became clear that these people were way off base. Below is a list of “Fallen Angeles – Christian Leaders Who Have Given in to a Spiritually That Denies the Cross” according to the site
Ok test two
Well I am an inexperienced bloger and I guess it shows. I tries to update my first post but for some reason it now has two sights, but the one I updated is not viewable. oh well i guess this is my opportunity to learn all about this stuff.