Saturday, October 15, 2005

sorry about that guys

Ok,Ok,  it’s past 12 am and I have not entered anything  for the blog.. I apologize, but my wife is away and I have the sole responsibility for my youngest son. Now I can here you says, “big deal”. Well I admit that it is not a big deal, what is a big deal is that I am selfish of my time alone to study and write. Although I love my son and love to spend time with him, when I am the only one home I am the only person he can play with. You see we live in a townhouse complex that has no children his age. I feel bad for him.  

We are taking a vacation to Texas. We have five friends that moved there and are begging us to do so. I am not sure that I want to live in a place that is known for snakes and three inch flying cockroaches; well actually they are called palmetto bugs, but just the same. I am open to whatever God has, and I have to admit that Texas is not like a mud hut somewhere, not that mud huts are bad if God calls you there, it’s just  not my first choice for a home.

So I will go to bed now so I can get up and be awake for my son when he gets up. I think we will go see the new Wallace and Gromet movie. I mean how can anything in life be difficult when you view 16’ clay figures fighting against the horrible menace of the weir rabbit?


Blogger BeautifulMisery said...

Im not sure what it means to have the talent to write, I suppose if someone was just terrible at putting together a solid and understandable group of words they may not be talented at it. But I still sit and wonder, what might not make you a talented writer. Now I might agree with you not having the greatest talent of type writing :P
I do hope your trip goes well, the snakes and the bugs are really not that bad so don't worry.

9:42 PM  

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