Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Rick Warren a New Ager????

                        I started writing about my frustration with  a new site that I found. The site was an anti contemplative Christianity site. I did post to their guest book  and I did try and say  not all people that practice contemplative Christianity are New Agers. I told them that I believed in the same things that they did, deity of Christ, salvation in Christ alone, the inspiration of God in the writing of the scriptures and of course the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in believers. But   as I perused the rest of the site it became clear that these people were way off base. Below is a list of “Fallen Angeles – Christian Leaders Who Have Given in to a  Spiritually That Denies the Cross” according to the site
David Jeremaih
Erwin Mc Manus
St John of the Cross
Brother Lawrence
Eugene Peterson
Rick Warren

This is only a partial list,  the people that I recognized but I find it hard to believe these people deny the Cross.

It seems to me that this is another example of Christians that think their theology is the only acceptable theology available. I do understand that they do use the scriptures to justify their beliefs. If you look on their site you will see a comparison chart of what they say the contemplative/emergent Christians believe and compare it to their scripture references.  The problem that I have with their comparison is two fold: 1) many of the scriptures are taken out of context to “prove” their point 2) they make the assumption that all contemplative/emergent Christians practice or believe in all the points listed.

I have decided that instead of writing to them again and trying to justify my use of such things as Lectio Devian, contemplative prayer and other emergent church practices , I will let it be.  I guess if I went trying to prove myself right and them wrong I would be in the same place as them……………………..only in a contemplative way


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